Prilepin, Mikhail

flag - RUSSIA

Max-rating: 1829

Age Category:

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Rating (periodically)
List_date Rating Rank Rat_ch
01-Oct-2024 1820.41 376 0.00
01-Jul-2024 1820.41 375 0.00
01-Apr-2024 1820.41 371 0.00
01-Jan-2024 1820.41 376 0.00
01-Oct-2023 1820.41 374 0.00
01-Jul-2023 1820.41 379 0.00
01-Apr-2023 1820.41 384 0.00
01-Jan-2023 1820.41 385 0.00
01-Oct-2022 1820.41 378 0.00
01-Jul-2022 1820.41 389 0.00
01-Apr-2022 1820.41 395 0.00
01-Jan-2022 1820.41 404 0.00
01-Oct-2021 1820.41 402 0.00
01-Jul-2021 1820.41 402 0.00
01-Apr-2021 1820.41 410 0.00
01-Jan-2021 1820.41 405 0.00
01-Oct-2020 1820.41 430 0.00
01-Jul-2020 1820.41 427 0.00
01-Apr-2020 1820.41 427 -8.68
01-Jan-2020 1829.09 405 0.00
01-Oct-2019 1829.09 422
01-Jul-2019 1829.09 418 0.00
01-Apr-2019 1893.60 Half 54 0.00
Date Name Place WSC Rat_ch
26-Jan-2020 isc2001b 43 -8.68
26-May-2019 isr1905 84

Rating Expiration Date: 02-Jan-2025

Age: 22 (2002)
SolverID : PR02MI