Oblyashevskiy, Georgiy

flag - UKRAINE

Max-rating: 1787

Age Category:

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Rating (periodically)
List_date Rating Rank Rat_ch
01-Apr-2024 1787.13 N/A 384 0.00
01-Jan-2024 1787.13 408 0.00
01-Oct-2023 1787.13 408 0.00
01-Jul-2023 1787.13 411 0.00
01-Apr-2023 1787.13 418 0.00
01-Jan-2023 1787.13 422 0.00
01-Oct-2022 1787.13 416 0.00
01-Jul-2022 1787.13 428 0.00
01-Apr-2022 1787.13 434 0.00
01-Jan-2022 1787.13 445 0.00
01-Oct-2021 1787.13 440 0.00
01-Jul-2021 1787.13 441 0.00
01-Apr-2021 1787.13 446 0.00
01-Jan-2021 1787.13 441 0.00
01-Oct-2020 1787.13 470 0.00
01-Jul-2020 1787.13 467 0.00
01-Apr-2020 1787.13 467 0.00
01-Jan-2020 1787.13 453 0.00
01-Oct-2019 1787.13 470
01-Jul-2019 1787.13 466 0.00
01-Apr-2019 1787.13 458 +5.40
01-Jan-2019 1781.73 450 0.00
01-Oct-2018 1781.73 474 0.00
Date Name Place WSC Rat_ch
27-Jan-2019 isc1901 184 +5.40

Rating Expiration Date: 01-Jan-2030

Age: 78 (1946)
SolverID : OB01GE