Meillon, Judicael

flag - FRANCE

Max-rating: 1877

Age Category:

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Rating (periodically)
List_date Rating Rank Rat_ch
01-Oct-2024 1876.62 N/A 305 0.00
01-Jul-2024 1876.62 N/A 303 0.00
01-Apr-2024 1876.62 N/A 297 0.00
01-Jan-2024 1876.62 334 0.00
01-Oct-2023 1876.62 332 0.00
01-Jul-2023 1876.62 336 0.00
01-Apr-2023 1876.62 341 0.00
01-Jan-2023 1876.62 344 0.00
01-Oct-2022 1876.62 337 0.00
01-Jul-2022 1876.62 346 0.00
01-Apr-2022 1876.62 348 0.00
01-Jan-2022 1876.62 354 0.00
01-Oct-2021 1876.62 357 0.00
01-Jul-2021 1876.62 357 0.00
01-Apr-2021 1876.62 359 0.00
01-Jan-2021 1876.62 358 0.00
01-Oct-2020 1876.62 383 0.00
01-Jul-2020 1876.62 381 0.00
01-Apr-2020 1876.62 381 0.00
01-Jan-2020 1876.62 367 0.00
01-Oct-2019 1876.62 383
01-Jul-2019 1876.62 382 0.00
01-Apr-2019 1876.62 375 0.00
01-Jan-2019 1832.11 Half 54 0.00
01-Oct-2018 1832.11 Half 65 0.00
Date Name Place WSC Rat_ch
27-Jan-2019 isc1901 145

Rating Expiration Date: 01-Jan-2030

Age: 19 (2005)
SolverID : ME02JU