Simonova, Viktoria

flag - RUSSIA

Max-rating: 0

Age Category:

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Rating (periodically)
List_date Rating Rank Rat_ch
01-Jul-2023 1636.68 Half 217 0.00
01-Apr-2023 1636.68 Half 215 0.00
01-Jan-2023 1636.68 Half 246 0.00
01-Oct-2022 1636.68 Half 242 0.00
01-Jul-2022 1636.68 Half 245 0.00
01-Apr-2022 1636.68 Half 246 0.00
01-Jan-2022 1636.68 Half 219 0.00
01-Oct-2021 1636.68 Half 211 0.00
01-Jul-2021 1636.68 Half 219 0.00
01-Apr-2021 1636.68 Half 227 0.00
01-Jan-2021 1636.68 Half 224 0.00
01-Oct-2020 1636.68 Half 236 0.00
01-Jul-2020 1636.68 Half 234 0.00
01-Apr-2020 1636.68 Half 234 0.00
01-Jan-2020 1636.68 Half 159 0.00
01-Oct-2019 1636.68 Half 194
01-Jul-2019 1636.68 Half 191 0.00
01-Apr-2019 1636.68 Half 196 0.00
01-Jan-2019 1636.68 Half 168 0.00
01-Oct-2018 1636.68 Half 187 0.00
Date Name Place WSC Rat_ch

Rating Expiration Date: 02-Jul-2023

Age: 15 (2009)
SolverID : SI02VI