Novikov, Ivan

flag - RUSSIA

Max-rating: 1849

Age Category:

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Rating (periodically)
List_date Rating Rank Rat_ch
01-Apr-2024 1849.23 356 0.00
01-Jan-2024 1849.23 360 0.00
01-Oct-2023 1849.23 358 0.00
01-Jul-2023 1849.23 362 0.00
01-Apr-2023 1849.23 368 0.00
01-Jan-2023 1849.23 371 0.00
01-Oct-2022 1849.23 365 0.00
01-Jul-2022 1849.23 375 0.00
01-Apr-2022 1849.23 383 0.00
01-Jan-2022 1849.23 385 0.00
01-Oct-2021 1849.23 385 0.00
01-Jul-2021 1849.23 382 +25.87
01-Apr-2021 1823.36 408 +10.58
01-Jan-2021 1812.78 412 0.00
01-Oct-2020 1812.78 437 0.00
01-Jul-2020 1812.78 434 0.00
01-Apr-2020 1812.78 434 -25.76
01-Jan-2020 1838.54 397 +2.64
01-Oct-2019 1835.90 417 +125.50
01-Jul-2019 1710.40 543 +6.25
01-Apr-2019 1704.15 531 -66.15
01-Jan-2019 1770.30 461 0.00
01-Oct-2018 1770.30 485 0.00
Date Name Place WSC Rat_ch
01-Feb-2019 rus1902b 14 +0.65
27-Jan-2019 isc1901 102 +22.09

Rating Expiration Date: 02-Jan-2025

Age: 20 (2004)
SolverID : NO01IV